Finja Bormann won the German Championship of female showjumpers in Riesenbeck at the weekend, riding A Crazy Son of Lavina. After two faultless qualifying courses, the pair led without dropping a bar at the perfect rating of zero errors. They remained flawless in the final round as well. Barbara Steurer-Collee scored second place on Quantus with 5.25 error points, whereas the bronze medal went to Sarah Nagel-Tornau on Carouge.
Finja Bormann had a perfect tournament weekend not only with her top horse. On Clippo, she also won the U25 showjumping cup for riders under 25 years of age. After three pairs had qualified flawlessly for the jump-off during the initial round, Finja Bormann’s perfect ride of 41.48 seconds proved to remain unbeatable. Niklas Betz was second on Contan with 0/43.28, Sophie Hinners qualified for third place on First Class with a 21-points penalty due to a denial and numerous time errors.
The competition has been sponsored for five years by Marion and Gerhard Müter as well as the foundation Stiftung Deutscher Spitzenpferdesport now. The Müter couple were certainly especially excited because Finja Bormann starts for their horse breeding farm Elmgestüt “Drei Eichen” – and her success is not limited to riding A Crazy Son of Lavina and Clippo.