Public debt in Germany sums up to approx. 2,000 billion euros. Due to the Corona crisis, the debt will rise to approx. 2,700 to 3,000 billion euros – and it will continue to do so if the shutdown extends further than May 1st. In May alone, 150 to 200 billion euros of new debt would be accumulated. According to economists, the curve would continue exponentially afterwards.
There are 220,000 gastronomy businesses and, depending on the definition, between 400,000 and 600,000 retailers. Reliable estimations assume an insolvency rate of 20 to 25 percent of all businesses of both economic sectors. These figures mask 150,000 to 200,000 entrepreneurial existences – not counting in any employees yet! A continued shutdown beyond May 1st is going to have devastating effects. The result is numerous additional unemployed people and millions of employees on short time facing an uncertain future.
There is only one way to prevent this: by responsible relaxation of the measures. As for that, new rules must be defined, offering as much protection as possible, whilst providing as much entrepreneurial maneuverability for a realistic survival chance.
As for that, the flexibility of working hours, for example, must be increased. Seven days a week leave more room for compensation than five or six. Shifts must be unlinked, whereas in staff restaurants, shift work must be introduced if distances between chairs are 2 meters. Anything goes! But it must be planned.
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