Supporting the foundation “Aktion Sonnenschein – Hilfe für das mehrfach behinderte Kind” has been part of ConMoto’s social commitment for three decades. Munich-based Aktion Sonnenschein was one of the pioneers in the integration of children with a handicap in kindergarten and school and has been ensuring children can learn together for more than 50 years. Shortly before Christmas, ConMoto donated 20 Microsoft computers, which are used in lessons at the inclusive Montessori school run by Aktion Sonnenschein.
ConMoto founder Dr.-Ing. Ralf Feierabend, ConMoto Managing Director Nils Blechschmidt and ConMoto employee Berenice Feierabend and IT Manager Dirk Gottschlich handed over the computers to Christian Leins and Franz Weindauer from Aktion Sonnenschein: “We are grateful for the generous donation. This donation came at just the right time, as computers are becoming increasingly important in the classroom,” said Christian Leins.