For the eighth time, the business magazine brand eins/Thema awards Germany’s “Best Management Consultants”. The results are based on a survey conducted by the magazine and the Hamburg market research institute Statista among experts – partners and principals of consultancies – and among customers of management consultancies. ConMoto got an award in the categories “Automotive & Suppliers” and “Mechanical and Plant Engineering”. The expert survey took place from 18. August to 21. September 2020, a total of 2.334 out of 8.049 questioned took part. The survey of recommendations was open, i.e. there was no predefined list of management consultancies to choose from.
Following the expert survey, an online survey was conducted among 1.100 senior executives recruited via an online panel. In addition, 234 senior executives (Head of Strategy, Head of Business Development, etc.) from DAX, M-DAX, S-DAX and Tec-DAX companies were invited to participate in the survey.
ConMoto is pleased about the positive evaluation by industry colleagues and especially about the positive assessment of our customers. For us, this is proof that our claim to be “Die Umsetzungberater” provides the concrete benefits that our customers expect. We take this vote as an incentive for improvement.