In May, the production in many companies will ramp-up again. ConMoto’s consultants accompany this process with their expertise. For the tough and competitive months to come, every company needs a short- to medium-term strategy – as well as strong, feasible plans. Due to the great uncertainty, it makes sense to develop and calculate scenarios for the performance of your business. These scenarios should include the following objectives:
- Liquidity protection
- Value creation ramp-up, considering the Corona regulations
- Stabilization of supply chains
- Customer supply according to strategic priorities and market-oriented pricing
- Sustainable stabilization and continuous improvement of competitiveness after the ramp-up
In order to efficiently implement the resulting goals and tasks, ConMoto recommends to staff your internal steering board across functions and hierarchies. Pragmatic methods, such as the FMEA and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), help to work through your action plan. Do not forget the employees and their representatives. Not all measures will be popular. Inform your employees as early as possible to prevent resistance and any possible friction losses. You want to proceed according to the five phases of the problem-solving cycle:
- Identification: describe the problem
- Analysis: causes/quantity structure
- Planning: solutions/measures
- Introduction: implementing measures
- Review: measure success
The ConMoto consultants contribute expertise, methodological knowledge and evaluation from a neutral perspective. Our approach creates transparency, prioritizes tasks and ensures rapid implementation successes that motivate your employees.